"Don't go through life, grow through life."
- Eric Butterworth
Mental Health Self Help Resources
You might just feel that you need a little bit of help rather than coming for counselling.
The following set of links are designed to direct you to useful websites and organisations that can provide help, often out of hours and if needed, 24x7.
However, if things have become overwhelming, if you are having thoughts of harming yourself, if you are unsure that you can keep yourself safe - please contact your GP, your local NHS mental health crisis service or call 111. You can also call the Samaritans on 116 123.
The following websites might also be helpful:
www.samaritans.org – source of help through calls, texts, letters and a self-help app​
www.giveusashout.org - text support line for in the moment support and useful resources
General mental health websites:
www.mind.org.uk – contains some great general self-care information
www.anxietyuk.org.uk – access to resources, though a cost of £40 per annum
www.rethink.org – peer support, advice and information
www.giveusashout.org - text support line for in the moment support and useful resources
www.samaritans.org - source of help through calls, texts, letters and a self-help app
www.thecalmzone.net – helpline and webchat for people with suicidal thought
www.calm.com – resources to help with general health and happiness
www.drchatterjee.com - general information podcasts on helping people to feel better
www.happyplaceofficial.co.uk - podcasts, resources and HappyPlaceApp
Apps that support mental health: